On June 7th, 2021, the Salk Institute published the work of two Diabetes Research Connection (DRC) fully-funded researchers, Hiasong Liu, Ph.D., and Ronghui Li, Ph.D., and DRC’s newly approved to be funded researcher Hsin-Kai Liao, Ph.D., and their most recent and exciting findings. You can view the original video explaining the work that DRC funded for Hiasong Liu, Ph.D., by clickingHERE. If you would like to see the completed work of Ronghui Li, Ph.D., clickHERE. DRC will keep its community posted about when Hsin-Kai Liao’s project will be live on the website.
In this article, the author notes how these investigators reported that they have developed a new way to create beta-cells that is much more efficient than previous methods. Through the testing of these new beta-cells, results showed that when these beta cells were tested in a mouse model of type 1 diabetes (T1D), the animals’ blood sugar was brought under control within a two-week time frame. This research was initially funded by DRC. The preliminary data made it possible to obtain funding from the Larry L. Hillblom Foundation and a DRC Partner, the Moxie Foundation, to finish their work. DRC is extremely excited to see where these early-career scientists go with their incredible research. Their efforts, combined with groundbreaking work like “A Novel Stem Cell Approach for Curing Diabetes,” are paving the way for a future where Type 1 Diabetes may one day be curable.
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