Our Vision
To champion groundbreaking scientific research until diabetes is eradicated.

Our Mission
To connect donors with early-career scientists enabling them to perform peer-reviewed, novel research designed to prevent and cure Type 1 Diabetes, minimize its complications and improve the quality of life for those living with the disease.
Our Impact
Return on Investment
Follow-on Funding Secured
We grant up to $75,000 to support
each research project
Donor-Driven, Peer-Reviewed, Innovative Diabetes Research
How it Works
Scientists from all over the country submit their projects via our website. Our Scientific Review Committee (SRC), comprised of diabetes experts, meticulously reviews each proposal for its innovation, potential impact, and suitability. These dedicated professionals volunteer their time to support and nurture the next wave of Type 1 Diabetes researchers.
The journey from application to funding can be impressively swift taking as little as six months, compared to over a year for other funding agencies. We guarantee that 100% of our research funds are directly allocated to the scientists. For the sake of transparency, researchers are required to provide regular updates on their progress and share their final results on our website. Our funding comes from tax-deductible contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Donors are given the unique opportunity to choose which research projects they want to support, selecting from a variety of peer-reviewed proposals showcased on our site. It’s the extraordinary efforts of ordinary people that have the power to change the world. Your support could be the key to solving the diabetes puzzle that affects millions worldwide.
Investing in Diabetes Research
Despite the rising number of new diabetes diagnoses, funding for diabetes research has seen a decline. Of the available funding, 97% is allocated to established scientists leaving only 3% to those early in their careers.
Scientific breakthroughs often result from the creativity of early-career scientists. Albert Einstein was only 26 when he unveiled his theory of general relativity. Banting & Best were both under 33 when they discovered insulin. Imagine where we would be today if these scientists had not received funding for their research. While these young scientists are brimming with innovative ideas, mainstream funding avenues seldom support them, preventing their ideas from taking flight, until now. We provide grants of up to $75,000 to support each research project.
DRC has distributed approximately
$3M to research
We grant up to $75,000 to support each research project