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Support DRC
This year, DRC’s main initiative is to establish a foundation of new sustainable funding to support 7-10 early-career scientists in the most promising and innovative research projects. We invite you to be a part of DRC’s community in a new way briniging the hope for a cure to all of those who need it.

Join with Us
Please consider joining us as a volunteer. Our enthusiastic, optimistic Board of Directors, our Lay Review Committee, our Fundraising Committee volunteer to assist our staff. You will be rewarded by contributing to our goals to prevent and cure T1D, and help all affected by the disease live better lives.
Name A Research Project
Name an entire research project after your family, foundation, or loved one affected by Type 1 Diabetes. Funding an entire project gives you exclusive access to the researcher for individual updates about the progress of their project and recognition in all published materials.
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